On Mondays throughout the school year, our dens get together for meetings or activities, where scouts learn age appropriate Scouting skills, participate in outdoor activities, arts and crafts, play games, and most importantly have fun!
PACK 200 Den Meetings are Mondays @ 6:30PM at the Southside Baptist Church
Montly, all the dens get together for a PACK meeting. Here, the Cubmaster gathers everyone for games, skits, songs, ceremonies, and presentations of achievements and badges that Cub Scouts have earned during that month. This is where families can see the achievements of their Cub Scout.
One of the most anticipated Scout events, the Pinewood Derby is one of the highlights of the Cub Scout year. You get to race a car you build with your family. You learn woodworking and good sportsmanship, too.
Our Pack may participate in food drives, conservation projects, or other community activities.
For 2023-2024 we are participating in:
Ashley House
Anython Fundraiser
Nourish NC
Overnight and day camp opportunities introduce your family to the camping experience.
For 2024-2025:
Camp McNeill (Oct 18-20)
Webelos Woods (Nov)
USS Yorktown
Camp Kirkwood (Apr)
During the summer, our Pack or Dens might get together for outings as a chance to bond and get together to learn more about the people and places in our community.